
Jaime Elso

AWS Solutions Architect

Design and implementation of a Zero Trust architecture for Elastic Container Service

Zero Trust is a network security philosophy based on the premise of not trusting any network element, both external and internal. Inspired by this approach, not only for the network but for all infrastructure elements, I began designing and implementing an architecture with the goal of being as restrictive, private, and secure as possible to deploy orchestrated containers by Elastic Container Service (ECS).

Throughout this article, we will meticulously explore each step I have taken in creating this architecture, breaking down and explaining each element sequentially. From the design and segmentation of the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to routing, Security Groups (SG), and NetworkACL, the endpoints used for communication with Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), the configuration of necessary roles and policies, and finally, we will deploy a load balancer along with the containers in ECS.

READ MORE // January 1, 2024

Remote connection methods to EC2 Linux instances on AWS: comparison and best practices

Remote administration has become a cornerstone for the success of cloud infrastructures. In today's world, where mobility and flexibility are essential, having the ability to manage servers and resources from any location has become indispensable for businesses and IT professionals.

If you're looking to enhance the security and flexibility of your remote connections, this article will review all possible methods and provide you with the necessary knowledge to make informed decisions, selecting the most suitable method according to your needs. We will explore how some of these methods complement each other, allowing us to progressively strengthen security, reduce operational burden, and simplify the administration of our infrastructure.

READ MORE // September 1, 2023

Bachelor's Thesis - Development of a content management system

This content manager has been designed and developed from scratch, using Electron as the platform to create desktop apps, NodeJS as the JavaScript interpreter on the Back-End and, finally, HTML, CSS and JavaScript for the interface. With a modular structure, this application uses a common panel for different modules. For more flexibility, each of these modules can be modified independently, without affecting the rest.

The objective of this application is to generate static pages with no need of execution, obtaining better performance and faster content loading regarding other systems. In addition, these pages comply with W3C standards and the HTML content has been optimized, getting better results in search engines.

READ MORE // June 1, 2023

Automated deployment of static web pages from a repository to an S3 bucket on AWS

Automated deployment of static web pages from a git repository to an S3 bucket on AWS is presented in this article. The implementation is secure, scalable, optimized, and has automated deployment from a git repository in CodeCommit. A CloudFormation template is used to deploy the infrastructure on AWS, and a Lambda function is utilized to synchronize between the repository and S3 bucket. Check out the project GitHub repository.

READ MORE // May 1, 2023

Automating CloudFormation Stack deployment from CodeCommit using CodePipeline

Once we have defined our infrastructure as code to be deployed in our AWS account using CloudFormation templates, manually deploying them every time we need to make a change can be a time-consuming and error-prone task. Automating CloudFormation Stack deployment from CodeCommit using CodePipeline can save you time and effort, especially when working with multiple environments and making changes frequently. That's why I'm going to tell you how I have implemented automation to update my stacks.

READ MORE // April 1, 2023

Deploying services with AWS CloudFormation

In our previous post, we implemented the necessary resources on AWS to build a serverless backend for our contact form. We carried out the entire process of deploying services manually from the AWS web console. Now, to continue following best practices, we will reproduce the service deployment using CloudFormation to deploy infrastructure as code.

READ MORE // March 1, 2023

Building a contact form with AWS API Gateway, Lambda, and SNS

Currently, MyWebsite is hosted on Cloudflare's Pages service, which allows for easy creation and publishing of websites. However, this service does not allow for backend code execution, so only static websites can be published. One of the needs I currently have is to develop a contact form for visitors to easily contact me through my website. The form itself can be created with HTML and CSS, but to implement a message processing logic I need to execute code on the backend. Instead of moving the website to a different host, we will take advantage of the tools provided by AWS to implement a serverless backend that handles this logic.

READ MORE // February 1, 2023


I have been making websites all my life, but never one for myself. Well here is MyWebsite a professional place to share my own projects with the world. As you can see, It's not the most complicated or craziest design, but it's minimalistic, simple and clean. The main attribute I wanted to preserve in my web is its speed. This is why I don't use external frameworks or platforms as wordpress: just HTML, CSS and JavaScript. In this post I will share with you the keys of my design and how it works.

READ MORE // January 1, 2023